IMMUNE™ is the leading innovative solution for minimizing the impact of pandemics like COVID-19 and other bacteriological and toxicological health threats in our built environment and, as a result, on people and economies. We are the indoor generation, so certifying the immunity of the buildings we spend 90% of our time in is an absolute must in order to rebuild trust in our community and take back control over our professional and personal lives.
Designed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this unique, global standard is inspired by advanced technologies and procedures successfully used in medical institutions and research facilities and adapted for use in commercial real estate. As an inaugural version, the present IMMUNE™ standard will remain under frequent review and constant evolution as the medical, scientific, architectural, and engineering bodies arrive at new conclusions.
How it works
The Accreditor - Healthy by Design Building Institute - can award a building one of the three IMMUNE™ labels based on an extensive compliance report provided by an authorized building Assessor, an independent third-party company specialized in the field of sustainable building design, development, and certification. The Assessor is trained by the Accreditor to verify how the architectural engineering and design measures were implemented in the assessed building and how the Facility Management (FM) team is implementing the perpetual and ready to activate operational practices.
The IMMUNE™ certification is based on an Assessment Scoring Index consisting of a set of 135 recommended measures, technical solutions, and facility management practices to certify the level of resilience of a building to present and future health challenges. Any building owner or tenant can consult the list of measures and implement them in their workspace - entirely or partially, as needed – and then follow the Assessment Scoring Index to independently evaluate the level of resilience of the assessed building against health threats.
To receive an IMMUNE™ certification, an authorized assessor will evaluate the building based on the Assessment Scoring Index. Each measure earns a number of points and based on the total score the building will be awarded with one of the three IMMUNE™ labels:
STRONG – equivalent of 3 stars, based on a scoring between 55% and 70% received during the assessment
POWERFUL – equivalent of 4 stars, based on a scoring between 71% and 85% received during the assessment
RESILIENT – equivalent of 5 stars, based on a scoring of over 85% received during the assessment
Register your building for IMMUNE™ Certification
The IMMUNE Building Standard™ certification can boost the health performance indicators (HPI) of any office building at any stage of its life cycle and type, such as new, in-use, or a regeneration project. Be among the first to get your building IMMUNE™ certified and give your employees, partners and customers the highest confidence and trust in all efforts made to protect their health and safety!