135 measures for more resilient buildings and a healthier future

The IMMUNE Building Standard™ is based on a panoply of 135 measures grounded in science that redesign, reengineer and reorganize workplaces to boost their immune system and make them more resilient to health challenges. All are part of the IMMUNE™ Scoring Index and extensively cover architecture, engineering, technology, design, and two levels of operational practices, both perpetual and ready-to-activate in case of imminent health threats.

Created by experts in architecture, construction, engineering, facility management, technology and health, the index of measures stands as a blueprint for any building in the world to get IMMUNE™-certified.

IMMUNE™ Highlights

    • The IMMUNE™ Quarantine/Room - a specially designed, fully equipped, and ready to use area in case of an immediate need to isolate any people exposed to health threats.
    • The IMMUNE™ Emergency Warehouse - a rapid and effective relief logistic system for pandemic-response, containing specific protective materials including personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • IMMUNE™ Stewards - designated specialists deployed within each building to implement and monitor health and safety activities, including maintaining the stock of health protection materials and distributing them at building level.
    • IMMUNE™ Digital Twin - digital displays placed in receptions to display immunity-boosting indicators such as the daily improvement of indoor air quality in comparison to outside air, water parameters vs. the water source received from the city network and relevant information about the status of IMMUNE™ equipment across the building.

Other measures part of the The IMMUNE Building Standard™, all included in the IMMUNE™ Scoring Index, are built-in technologies to enhance the sanitization of indoor spaces to prevent bacteria, viruses, and toxins from spreading, rounded corners to minimize bacterial deposits in toilet cubicles, walls covered with antimicrobial paint proven to prevent bacteria as well as mold and mildew growth and crowded areas such as meeting rooms or cafeterias that will be fitted with high-class filters for the intake air.

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